Our Mission

trophi.ai is building the future of ai coaching.

We believe that the future of coaching is AI. It will equip everyone with elite coaching regardless of their location or income, leveling the playing field, and helping everyone realize their full potential and enjoy their sport. This technology will change lives and sport as we know it.

We're starting in eRacing and motorsports, then moving into eSports then moving into real sports and we're always looking for talented people who are interested in building the future alongside us.

Open Positions





About trophi.ai


Right now, somewhere in the world, there is someone that has extraordinary talent. Talent that will likely go undiscovered because, for all the natural ability they have, they lack one core component of greatness. They cannot access world-class coaching.

That is until now. Welcome to trophi.ai. We are here to change the way the world develops talent. With our pilot in e-racing and eventually to all sports, we are bringing the accessibility to individualized, personal coaching to anyone with an internet connection.

We are developing this new standard right here in Newfoundland. If you are on the cutting edge of your field in Web engineering, data science, marketing, analytics, or client success and you have a desire to be a part of something that can change people's lives, we want to talk to you.